3.7 — Regression with Interaction Effects — Class Content

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Today we continue examining how to use categorical data in regression, particularly focusing on interactions between variables. We look at three types of interaction effects: 1. Interaction between a continuous variable & a dummy variable 2. Interaction between two dummy variables 3. Interaction between two continuous variables

We will also be working on practice problems today in R.


  • Ch. 6.3—6.4 in Bailey, Real Econometrics


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R Practice

Today you will be working on R practice problems on multivariate regression. Answers will be posted later on that page.


Problem Set 4 Due Tues Nov 9

Problem Set 4 is due by the end of the day on Tuesday, November 9.

Appendix: Marginal Effects for Two-Continuous Variable Interactions

In class, we looked at the effects of education on wages, experience on wages, and the interaction between education and experience on wages:

\[\widehat{wage_i}=\hat{\beta_0}+\hat{\beta_1} \, education_i+\hat{\beta_2} \, experience_i+\hat{\beta_3}(education_i \times experience_i)\]

Using the wage1 data in the wooldridge package, we found the following:

wages <- wage1
reg_cont <- lm(wage ~ educ + exper + educ:exper, data = wages)
reg_cont %>% tidy()
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   term        estimate std.error statistic  p.value
##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept) -2.86      1.18       -2.42  1.58e- 2
## 2 educ         0.602     0.0899      6.69  5.64e-11
## 3 exper        0.0458    0.0426      1.07  2.83e- 1
## 4 educ:exper   0.00206   0.00349     0.591 5.55e- 1

Let’s extract and save each of these \(\hat{\beta}\)’s for later use.

b_1 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "educ") %>%

b_2 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "exper") %>%

b_3 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "educ:exper") %>%

# let's check each of these
## [1] 0.6017355
## [1] 0.04576891
## [1] 0.002062345

We know that the marginal effect of each of the two \(X\) variables on \(Y\) depends on the value of the other \(X\) variable:

Variable Marginal Effect on Wages (Formula) Marginal Effect on Wages (Estimate)
Education \(\hat{\beta_1}+\hat{\beta_3} \, Experience_i\) 0.6017355 + 0.0020623 \(\, Experience_i\)
Experience \(\hat{\beta_2}+\hat{\beta_3} \, Education_i\) 0.6017355 + 0.0020623 \(\, Education_i\)

We can get the marginal effects more precisely by making a function of each marginal effect, using the coefficients saved above. To make a your own function in R (a very handy thing to do!), simply define an object as my_function<- function(){}. Inside the () goes any arguments the function will need (here, it’s the value of the other variable), and then the formula to apply to that argument. Then you can run the function on any object.

As a simple example, to make a function that squares x:

# make function called "square" that squares x

# test it on the value 4
## [1] 16
# test it on all of these values
## [1]  1  4  9 16

Now let’s make a function for the marginal effect of education (by experience):

# make marginal effect of education on wages by years of experience function
# input is years of experience

# now its a function, let's input 5 years, 10 years, 15 years of experience
## [1] 0.006204929 0.012409858 0.018614788

Now let’s make a function for the marginal effect of experience (by education):

# make marginal effect of experience on wages by years of education function
# input is years of education

# now its a function, let's input 5 years, 10 years, 15 years of education
## [1] 0.0004719563 0.0009439126 0.0014158689

We can now graph these

margin_educ<-ggplot(data = wages)+
  aes(x = exper)+
  stat_function(fun = me_educ, geom = "line", color = "blue")+
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::dollar)+
  labs(x = "Years of Experience",
       y = "Marginal Effect of Education on Wages",
       title = "Effect of Education on Wages, by Years of Experience")+
  ggthemes::theme_pander(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed", base_size = 14)

margin_exper<-ggplot(data = wages)+
  aes(x = educ)+
  stat_function(fun = me_exper, geom = "line", color = "blue")+
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x){paste0("$",x)})+
  labs(x = "Years of Education",
       y = "Marginal Effect of Experience on Wages",
       title = "Effect of Experience on Wages, by Years of Education")+
  ggthemes::theme_pander(base_family = "Fira Sans Condensed", base_size = 14)

Standard Error of Marginal Effects

If we want to add the standard error to these graphs, we need to extract the \(se(\hat{\beta})\)’s from the original regression output:

se_b_1 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "educ") %>%

se_b_2 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "exper") %>%

se_b_3 <- reg_cont %>%
  tidy() %>%
  filter(term == "educ:exper") %>%

# let's check each of these
## [1] 0.08989998
## [1] 0.04261376
## [1] 0.003490614

Now the standard error of the marginal effect is a bit tricky. The marginal effect, for example, of Education on Wages, we saw was \(\frac{\Delta Wage_i}{\Delta Education_i} = \hat{\beta_1}+\hat{\beta_3} \, Experience_i\). One property of variances (or, when square rooted, standard errors) of random variables is that:

\[var(X+aY)=var(X)+var(Y)c^2+2 \, a \, cov(X,Y)\]

Here, the \(\hat{\beta}\)’s are random variables, and \(Experience_i\) is a constant (some number, like \(a)\). So the variance is:

\[var(\hat{\beta_1}+\hat{\beta_3}Experience_i)=var(\hat{\beta_1})+var(\hat{\beta_3})Experience_i^2+2 \, Experience_i \, cov(\hat{\beta_1},\hat{\beta_3})\]

The standard error then is the square root of this. To get the covariance of \(\hat{\beta_1}\) and \(\hat{\beta_3}\), we need to extract it from something called the variance-covariance matrix. A regression creates and stores a matrix that contains the covariances of all \(\hat{\beta}\)’s with each other (and the covariance of any \(\hat{\beta}\) with itself is the variance of that \(\hat{\beta})\):

# look at variance-covariance matrix
##              (Intercept)          educ         exper    educ:exper
## (Intercept)  1.394949133 -0.1040894353 -0.0412570602  3.134939e-03
## educ        -0.104089435  0.0080820059  0.0031414567 -2.513073e-04
## exper       -0.041257060  0.0031414567  0.0018159324 -1.437215e-04
## educ:exper   0.003134939 -0.0002513073 -0.0001437215  1.218438e-05
# make it a tibble to work with using tidyverse methods

# we want the covariance between beta 1 and beta 3, save as "cov_b1_b3"
cov_b1_b3<-v %>%
  slice(2) %>%
cov_b1_b3 # look at it
## [1] -0.0002513073
# lets also get the covariance between beta 2 and beta 3 (for later)

cov_b2_b3<-v %>%
  slice(3) %>%
## [1] -0.0001437215
# make a function of the variance of the marginal effect of education on wages

# now square root it to get standard error

# to plot a 95% confidence interval of the marginal effect, lets make upper and lower CI values as a function of experience

# lets now add these into the data
wages2<-wages %>%
  select(exper) %>%
  mutate(me_educ = me_educ(exper),
         CI_educ_lower = CI_me_educ_lower(exper),
         CI_educ_upper = CI_me_educ_upper(exper)
## Warning in sqrt(var_me_educ(experience)): NaNs produced

## Warning in sqrt(var_me_educ(experience)): NaNs produced
# and graph it!
  geom_ribbon(data = wages2, aes(ymin=CI_educ_lower, ymax=CI_educ_upper), fill = "grey70", alpha = 0.5)

# do the same for the marginal effect of experience on wages

# now square root it to get standard error

# to plot a 95% confidence interval of the marginal effect, lets make upper and lower CI values as a function of experience

# lets now add these into the data
wages3<-wages %>%
  select(educ) %>%
  mutate(me_exper = me_exper(educ),
         CI_exper_lower = CI_me_exper_lower(educ),
         CI_exper_upper = CI_me_exper_upper(educ)
## Warning in sqrt(var_me_educ(education)): NaNs produced

## Warning in sqrt(var_me_educ(education)): NaNs produced
# and graph it!
  geom_ribbon(data = wages3, aes(ymin=CI_exper_lower, ymax=CI_exper_upper), fill = "grey70", alpha = 0.5)+
